Contact Centers: Should We Measure CSAT or NPS?

We have talked about the significance and impact of customer experience (CX) in the contact center. As the adage goes, you can’t improve what you can’t measure. Let us talk about how we measure CX.

The best measure of the customer experience is a CSAT or Customer Satisfaction score. CSAT is a reflection of the customer’s experience and how they feel about the call. Resolution on the call does not necessarily translate to a good CSAT. In fact, no one component of the call can truly define the CSAT. It typically takes into account among other things, the sentiment of the call, courteousness of the agent, duration of the call, resolution and addressing customer issues/concerns.  The CSAT score is typically measured on a scale of 1 to 5:

Extremely poor experience > 1
Poor experience > 2
Average experience > 3
Good experience > 4
Excellent experience > 5

On the topic of CSAT, let us also discuss another related, but different, term – NPS or Net Promoter Score. The NPS is measured on a scale of 1 to 10.  All scores from 1 to 6 indicate Detractors, people that would actively speak against the company, brand, products etc. 7 and 8 indicate Neutral customers – satisfied but not active promoters of the brand either. Scores of 9 and 10 indicate promoters – customers that would actively promote the brand, company or products. Clearly, these are the customers every company wants.  The question then is how NPS is different from CSAT other than the scale. Most typically, NPS measures customer satisfaction and experience over an extended period of time and across multiple interactions. CSAT has a broader applicability across single or multiple interactions.

It therefore makes sense to measure the CSAT associated with individual calls/chat in a contact center interaction. Agmeta helps you measure the CSAT for 100% of the interactions in the contact center.

Agmeta, Better AI

Agmeta is a Silicon Valley startup that was founded with the specific goal of bringing the benefits of AI to businesses – in a demonstrable, measurable, and cost-effective manner. Our use of AI and Generative AI is enterprise-ready - delivers value quickly and has the guardrails to prevent undesirable accidents, so CxOs can be confident in benefiting from these technologies. To experience the power of Agmeta, request your demo, or get started with us here.


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