Frequently asked questions.

  • Yes. We have created very simple REST APIs to fetch the audio or chat files, and then return multiple JSON files with the different types of insights that can be used by downstream systems.

  • Our APIs are secure and use TLS. Our solutions run in secure, SOC-compliant, branded cloud data centers such as AWS and GCP.

  • You are right Generative AI can and does hallucinate. This is why it pays to be careful when companies talk about Generative AI. Agmeta has been very cautious. We have built the guardrails and ensured that Generative AI is not directly accessed by the end user. This ensures that we only get data associated with the call and none other. This is responsible Generative AI.

  • No! We have designed our solution with the consideration that it is a loose integration that in no way impacts the operation of your contact center. The only thing you will need to do is to record the audio file (or chat file) and dump it into a well-known folder. If there can be a notification for a new file, even better. If you have the audio file, a unique call id and the agent id, you are all set.

    We return a set of JSON files. You can use as little or as much of the information as relevant to you. There are also other ways to access insights discussed below.

  • There are multiple ways. The simplest and the fastest way is accessing the Agmeta portal and seeing the key insights quickly. This will continue to improve.

    The other more elaborate solution is to extract the insights from the JSONs that are returned by Agmeta and include in your system of records.

  • Very easy. You extract the insights from JSON files that Agmeta returns and put them into the BI system of record. This can be done through very light weight integration of Agmeta as a new data source by your BI manager.

  • Yes. The Agmeta solution is architected to be flexible, and it does not require months of waiting for a roadmap. You share the requests along with some sample files, and Agmeta makes reasonable commercial efforts to add support for your new requirements. We make sure that the data is used appropriately, and results are in line with expectations. We also make sure Generative AI behaves. The new insights are added dynamically and will automatically start to show up when pushed into productions.

  • Agmeta is committed to providing great value for our customers. We are offering special pricing of $39/month per agent with the expectation that there will an annual commitment and prepayment for one year after the first month. While we are not putting specific minute limitations, our fair use assumption is 3000 minutes of processing at this price each month. Agmeta reserves the right to change the offers and/or fair use policy.