Beyond Call Sentiment: Why CSAT Matters

In the realm of customer service, Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is considered as the gold standard for measuring customer experience (CX). However, many businesses fall short by relying solely on sentiment analysis to gauge CSAT. This approach is akin to describing an elephant solely by its trunk, its ears, its tusks or its legs.

The Limitations of Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis, while valuable, offers a limited perspective on customer satisfaction. It primarily focuses on the emotional tone of an interaction, such as positive, negative, or neutral. However, a positive sentiment doesn't necessarily equate to resolution or satisfaction.

Consider a scenario where a customer calls a contact center to report a technical issue. The agent follows the prescribed steps and marks the problem as resolved. While the sentiment may be positive, the customer might still be dissatisfied if their problem was not resolved satisfactorily.

Determining the CSAT

To truly measure customer satisfaction, we must consider a broader range of factors beyond sentiment. These may include:

  • Resolution: Did the customer's issue get resolved?

  • Timeliness: How quickly was the issue addressed?

  • Agent knowledge: Was the agent knowledgeable and helpful?

  • Effort: Did the customer have to put in significant effort to resolve the issue?

  • Communication: Was the agent clear and concise in their communication?

By taking these and many more factors into account, we can create a more comprehensive and accurate CSAT score that reflects the overall customer experience.

The Importance of Holistic CSAT

  • CSAT highlights what your customer feels. It goes beyond the immediate interaction to reveal the underlying customer sentiment, providing valuable insights into how customers perceive their experiences.

  • CSAT opens up doors to sell more. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers and make additional purchases. By monitoring CSAT, businesses can identify opportunities to upsell or cross-sell products and services.

  • CSAT flashes warning signals. A decline in CSAT can be a red flag indicating potential churn. When customers are dissatisfied, they may be more likely to take their business elsewhere. By tracking CSAT trends, businesses can proactively address issues before customers become disengaged and churn.


While sentiment analysis provides valuable insights, it is not sufficient on its own to measure customer satisfaction. By considering a wider range of factors and creating a holistic CSAT score, contact centers can gain a deeper understanding of customer experiences and make data-driven improvements to their operations.

Agmeta, Better AI

Agmeta is a Silicon Valley startup that was founded with the specific goal of bringing the benefits of AI to businesses – in a demonstrable, measurable, and cost-effective manner. Our use of AI and Generative AI is enterprise-ready - delivers value quickly and has the guardrails to prevent undesirable accidents, so CxOs can be confident in benefiting from these technologies. To experience the power of Agmeta, request your demo, or get started with us here.


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